My first date 7:45 PM

You probably think I watch a lot of romantic movies because I titled my blog "50 First Dates", which I don't, but I did notice the plethora of romantic comedies that hollywood produces. This output may be indicative of the romantic challenges we face in the real world; nonetheless, we all remain romantics at heart.

Since we're in cyberworld by blogging away, I must admit that my very first date idea did come from AOL, or should I say "You've got mail." Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks have an awkward encounter at the well-known Cafe Lalo, located on the Upper West Side. Unlike the movie, it's very busy and well lit with a mix of Columbia students and neighborhood folks encroaching on your personal space.

Technically, this wasn't a first date according to my ex-wife, but in my mind, it was our first date as friends. What I remember the most is the non-stop laughter, but no need to worry about laughing out too loud because there's enough noise to drown you out. Cappuccino and authentic NY cheesecake is more than enough for a great first date.


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