A little Milk & Honey - best bar in NYC perhaps 3:23 PM

A very well read coworker (I'll refer to her as Miss D) who is always in the know with the NYC scene suggested a great bar for a first date called Milk & Honey down in the LES (aka Lower East Side). Though it's a bar, you actually need reservations which is a bit odd, nonethelsss Miss D assures me it's a true gem down in the LES. It's a bit difficult to find because it's externally discrete, but once inside it's the beginning of a chromatic parade of drinks -- tall drinks and fat ones with fresh fruit puree. Miss D said it's a great first date place because the music isn't too loud and you can actually have a conversation without yelling "WHAT DO YOU DO?!"

A Washington Post review stated that it's the "bar with the best vibe in New York City" and more importantly for dates, "furniture that encouraged canoodling in another era."


Anonymous said...

i've been to milk and honey. you can not get in without a reservation and in order for you to make reservation, you need their phone no. and it's not listed and they change their phone no. occasionally. it's very private and exclusive. another thing is it's very dark/narrow/small. your date might think you are shady for taking you there on the first date. maybe 3rd or 4th date would be better.

Golfing Koreans said...

Appreciate the comment.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the best bars in town, but the reservation thing stinks.